Svetlana Bednenko

My name is Svetlana Bednenko. I was born on 17 March, 1991 in Donetsk, Ukraine.

I graduated from Vadim Pisarev’s Ballet School in 2007, specialty choreography. Coacher – Galina Volodina


International Ballet Festival «Dance Open» (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)- Competitor

«The Artek Fouettés» International Competition among Young Classical Dancers (Crimea, Ukraine)- Second prize


«The Artek Fouettés» International Competition among Young Classical Dancers (Crimea, Ukraine)- First prize


International Ballet Competition «Arabesque» (Perm, Russian Federation)- Galina Ulanova Prize

International Ballet Competition «Arabesque» (Perm, Russian Federation)- Diploma

Yuriy Grigorovitch «Young Ballet of the World»International Ballet Competition (Sochi, Russian Federation)- Diploma


2nd Korea International Ballet Competition (Seoul, South Korea)- Roy Tobias Artistic Award


International Ballet Competition «Arabesque» (Perm, Russian Federation)- Second prize and the title of Laureate

Yuriy Grigorovitch «Young Ballet of the World» International Ballet Competition (Sochi, Russian Federation)- Second prize and the title of Laureate

International Ballet Competition «Tanzolymp» (Berlin, Germany)- Second prize and the title of Laureate

3d Korea International Ballet Competition (Seoul, South Korea)- Third prize and the title of Laureate

International Ballet Competition «Premio Roma» (Roma, Italy)- Third prize and the title of Laureate


Serge Lifar International Ballet Competition (Donetsk, Ukraine)- First prize and the title of Laureate


Since 2007 a soloist of Donetsk Ballet State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet A. Solovyanenko. Coach – The people’s Artist of Ukraine Inna Dorofeeva.


– Odette – Odile (Swan Lake)

– Lilac Fairy (Sleeping Beauty)

– Masha (The Nutcracker)

– Gamzatti (La Bayadere)

– Queen of the Dryads and street dancer (Don Quixote)

– Medora (Le Corsaire)

– Mirtha ( Giselle )

– The bird Ruhh from the ballet (One Thousand and One Nights)

– Radish, Magnolia (Cipollino)

– Snow White from the ballet (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

Since 2011 a soloists of the St. Petersburg State Ballet Theatre of Boris Eifman. The teacher-coach: Honored Artist of Russia Tatiana Kvasova.


– Kitri (I, Don Quixote)

– Empress Catherine II (Russian Hamlet)

– Tchaikovsky’s Wife (Tchaikovsky)

– Olga Spesivtseva (Red Giselle)

– Lynn (Who is who)

– Olga (Onegin)

– Kitty (Anna Karenina)

Toured the following countries: Greece, Finland, Turkey, Slovenia, Israel, Netherlands, France, China, Italy, Germany, Norway, Korea, Poland, Bulgaria, Australia, USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Japan.

Since 2013 a soloist of the Mikhailovsky theater, St. Petersburg.


– Odette — Odile (Swan Lake)

– Nikiya, Gamzatti (La Bayadère)

– Medora (Le Corsaire)

– Sabina (Spartacus, chor. by Georgy Kovtun)

– The Lilac Fairy (The Sleeping Beauty, chor. by Nacho Duato)

– The Queen of the Dryads (Don Quixote)

– Love is all around

– Young Scrooge’s fiancée (A Christmas Carol)

– Fairy (Cinderella)

– Magnolia (Cipollino, сhor. by Genrikh Mayorov)

– Arabian Dance (The Nutcracker, chor. by Nacho Duato)

– Equality (The Flames of Paris)

– Pa de six (Laurencia)

– Multiplicity. Forms of Silence and Emptiness (chor. by Nacho Duato)

– Prelude: Solo Duet (сhor. by Nacho Duato)

– Romeo and Juliet (сhor. by Nacho Duato)

Repeatedly participated:

International Gala Concert «World Ballet Stars» (Trondheim and Oslo, Norway, 2011-2014)

International festival «World Ballet Stars» (Perm, Russian Federation, 2013)

International Gala Concert (Faro, Portugal, 2013)

Gala &quot «Prima ballerinas of Russian ballet» (Lion and Paris, France, 2013- 2014)

Stars Gala (Alicante, Spain, 2014-2017)

– Stars Gala (Brussel, Belgium -2017 )

-Stars Gala “Ivan Vasiliev and his friends” ( Parma, Modena, Italy -2017)

– Stars Gala “St.Petersburg seasons in Ufa” – 2018, 2019

Guest principal :

As Odette -Odile in ballet “Swan Lake” in Almaty 2019 As Odette-Odile in “Swan Lake” in National Theatre of Ukraine, Kiev 2020

Was invited to festival of russian culture in Brno, Czech Republic in 2014, where performed part of Odette and Odile in ballet "Swan Lake" with premier of Bolshoi Theatre Aleksandr Volchkov.

Took part in Recital shows of Farukh Rusimatov, where performed duet with Farukh Rusimatov «Debussy. Afternoon of a Faunt».

I’m dancing alongside worldwide famous dancers like Ivan Vasiliev, Leonid Sarafanov

Tooked part in concert tours of Mikhailovsky Theatre in Hon Kong, Tokyo, New-York, Los Anjeles, Beijing, Tallin, Riga and others.

I participated in documental film “Rudolf Nureyev – dance to freedom” by Richard Curson Smith (2016), where I played the role of famous Russian ballerina Alla Osipenko with Artem Ovcharenko as Rudolf from BBC .

In 2019 Svitlana Biednenko Graduated Herzen State Pedagogical University as a Master. Svitlana has completed a Master’s programme in the field of study “Teacher Education” and successfully passed state final tests.

By the resolution of the State Examination Board, the holder has been conferred the qualification of MASTER .

14 July 2019

The order of art of Ukraine according to decision of the order council Svitlana Bednenko for outstanding creative achievements awarded “THE TITLE OF CHEVALIER OF THE ORDER OF ARTS OF UKRAINE”

2.03.2020 Kiev

World Ballet Grand Prix Norway Grenseveien 32A, 0571 Oslo

Account number: 6072 05 28641

IBAN number: NO65 6072 0528 641



Nordea Bank Abp, filial in Norway, Address: Essendrops gate 7, 0368 Oslo, Norway.