Jae Keun Park

In 1986 Jae Keun Park established and became Founder of the Seoul Ballet Company since years presenting classical ballet repertoire and modern creations in Korea and touring abroad,

Jae Keun Park is a wildly known Ballet personality all over the world. For years he was a leading dancer in the Universal Ballet Company in Korea and interpreted principal roles of classical repertoire ballets as in “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “La Bayadere”, “La Sylphyde”, “Don Quichotte”, many others as well as in contemporary creations, performing in different countries all of the world. Artistic carrier was followed by teaching and choreography experience. After his assistance to professor in Moscow Ballet Academy he was invited as professor and choreographer to the State Opera and Ballet Theatre in Almaty, Kazakhstan,

During years 2002-2003 he was Member of Korean President Commission responsible for state cultural projects. Further he contributed to establishment of Korea teachers Association which is busy with educational projects of large scale, actually run on in Korea and on international level.

At present he is President of Korea Ballet Foundation, at the same time Professor of Ballet Department in Sang Myung University, Director of UNESCO International Dance Festival. He is as well Director General of Sang Myung Arts Center and Artistic Director of Seoul Ballet Company.

He was awarded the Noble Dancer Title merited from Korean Ministry of Culture, was Gold Medal winner of Dong-A Ballet Competition.

Leading currently different Ballet International projects Dr. Park Jae Keun is invited as Jury member for Ballet Competitions in different countries.(Rome IBC, Istanbul IBC, Nureyev IBC, Sopoleto IBC, Perm IBC, Korea IBC, Almaty IBC, Astana IBC, Sergei Lifar IBC, Fouette IBC, Baltic IBC, Tallinn IBC, Kiev BGP, Mongolia IBC, America IBC, Asia BGP etc many times was Jury all of the world) Also Vice president of Federation of International Ballet Competition and Chairman of Asia FIBC.

In 2007 Dr Jae Keun Park organized First Korea International Ballet Competition, being a high rank international Event and uniting dancers from all over the world, Will be 12th Korea International Ballet Competition held 26-30 of June 2019 in Seoul.

In 2018 he created the 1st World Ballet Grand Prix, having for its goal all talented artistic discoveries, opening doors for young devoted generation of dancers.

Jae Keun Park:

I 1986 etablerte han Seoul Ballet company, som presenterer ballett repertoire og moderne kreasjoner i Korea og utenlands.

Jae Keun Park er en vidt kjent ballett personlighet for hele verden. I mange år var han den ledende dansere ved Universal Ballet company i Korea og tolket de store solist rollene i det klassiske repertoire, som Svanesjøen, Tornerose, La Bayadere, La Sylphide, Don Quixote etc og i moderne kreasjoner som er vist verden over.

Hans artistiske karriere ble etterfulgt av erfaringer med undervisning og koreografi. etter at han assisterte professorer på Ballett Akademiet i Moskva, ble han invitert som professor og koreograf til det Statlige Opera og Ballett teateret i Almata, Kazakstan.

Ila årene 2002-2003 var han medlem av medlem av den Koreanske President Kommisjonen som var ansvarlige for statlige kulturelle prosjekter. Videre bidro han til å etablere Koreas Lærer Assosiasjon som arbeider med prosjekter for utdanning i stor skala både i Korea og på internasjonalt nivå. 

Nå er han president for Korea Ballett Stiftelse, Professor for ballett avdelingen i Sang Myung University, Direktør for UNESCOS Internasjonale Danse Festival. Han er også Direktør for Sang Myung Arts Center og kunstnerisk leder for Seoul Ballett Company. 

Han mottok prisen the Noble Dancer Title fra det koreanske kultur ministeriet og var gull medalje vinner av Dong-A Ballet Competition.

Leder av forskjellige ballett prosjekter og jurymedlem av forskjellige ballett konkurranser og var vise president av Federation of International Ballet Competition and styreleder i Asia FIBC.

I 2007 organiserte Dr Park den først International Ballet competition, som et høyt rangerende event som forente dansere fra hele verden.

I 2008 skapte han World Ballet Grand Prix med mål om å åpne dører for en ny dedikert generasjon med kommende dansere og utvikle alle deres kunstneriske talenter.

World Ballet Grand Prix Norway Grenseveien 32A, 0571 Oslo

Account number: 6072 05 28641

IBAN number: NO65 6072 0528 641



Nordea Bank Abp, filial in Norway, Address: Essendrops gate 7, 0368 Oslo, Norway.