Registration for Solo

- online/live participation

Registration is open from 1st of March until 1st of June 2025

Participants can register with classical solo and or modern choreography.
Soloist street, house number, post code, City, Country.
On this e-mail all information will be sent
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(passport or birth certificate) Max 8MB. Format should be either: .jpg, .png, .gif or .pdf


Obligatory if online participation.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload music file(s) in mp3.
Each title of the music file must contain the name of the participant, the title of the choreography, title of the music and with ON or OFF describing if the dancer starts ON or OFF stage. Max filesize: 12MB

If a second classical choreography for the finals. Optional:

Obligatory if online participation.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload music file(s) in mp3.
Each title of the music file must contain the name of the participant, the title of the choreography, title of the music and with ON or OFF describing if the dancer starts ON or OFF stage. Max filesize: 12MB

Participation fee.

Please make the correct payment, and then upload a copy of the payment. Payment info:

Entry fee live participation:
- 250 euro pr participant for the first entry, including masterclasses and preparations for final galla. The one and first entry can be classical variation, or a neo classical solo, or a pas de deux, or a group entry (classical or modern).
- Pluss 30 euro pr participant for registrations of a second, third, fourth etc choreography, either a solo, pas de deux or group choreography.

Entry fee online:
- 50 euro pr choreography/pr contestant for participants fee with one entry with a classical variation, or a modern solo, or a neo classical solo, or a pas de deux, or a group entry (classical or modern).
- Pluss 20 euro pr contestant/pr choreography for entering a second, third, fourth etc registration for a solo, pas de deux or in groups.

World Ballet Grand Prix Norway
Grenseveien 32A, 0571 Oslo
Account number: 6072 05 28641
IBAN number: NO65 6072 0528 641
Nordea Bank Abp, filial in Norway,
Address: Essendrops gate 7, 0368 Oslo, Norway.

NB: Mark the payment with the name of the participant, title of the choreography/ies, live/online participation, solo/pas de deux/group, classical or modern.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please mark the payment with name of the participant and how many solos! Max filesize: 8MB. Format should be either: .jpg, .png, .gif or .pdf

Guidelines for publishing photos and films of children

As regards publication of photos and films of the participants, on websites, in social media and in other publications, it is important to respect children and young people’s integrity and right to privacy.
Some may have special reasons for not wanting to be photographed.
In some cases, photo sharing can have unfortunate consequences.
It is good practice to always ask permission before taking the picture or video.
The main rule is that consent must always be obtained from everyone who can be directly or indirectly identified in the images or film before they are published.
If those depicted are under the age of 15, consent must be obtained from both the child him-/herself and the guardian.
Unwanted publication can lead to liability for damages and criminal liability according to the Copyright Act.

1. Before a picture or film is published, consent must be obtained from everyone in the picture, and from their guardian if the children are under 15 years of age.
2. When obtaining consent to publish images and films, a consent form should be used. Only active consent can provide a basis for publishing images and films.
3. If a child does not want pictures or films to be published, they must override their parents’ wish for publication.
4. Be aware of the situations in which photos or films are taken. Care must be taken when taking photographs of scantily clad children.
Ballet dress or costume is not defined as lightly dressed. Moderation must be shown with the use of full names.
5. If a consent is withdrawn, pictures and films that have been published must be deleted.
You can read more about pictures of children online at
On dub, you can read more about children and young people's privacy and how to proceed if photos should end up astray:

World Ballet Grand Prix Norway Grenseveien 32A, 0571 Oslo

Account number: 6072 05 28641

IBAN number: NO65 6072 0528 641



Nordea Bank Abp, filial in Norway, Address: Essendrops gate 7, 0368 Oslo, Norway.