

Online and live competition.

30th of June - 2nd of July 2025 for Norwegian and international participants.  

Announcement of winners 2th July 2025 for live participants. 

Results of online participation will be published some times after on our webpage and also sent on e-mail at a later time.

A student can also join masterclasses without competing.

“We all are together from start to finish”, quote president Mr. Park.

WBGP Norway is an educational competition where all participants learn and experience throughout the competition. 

Registrations online/live: Open 1st March.

Deadline: The end of 1st June.

Limited spaces available.

General information

1. Online and/or live participation. Students can participate live or online or both. You may register in divisions like:

A) Solo

– one variation from the classical repertoire with the option of two variations with a second variation for finalists.

– one modern choreography

B) Pas de deux

– one classical pas de deux (entre/adagio/variations, coda), with the option of a second pas de deux for finalists.

C) Group participation

– one or more choreographies in the same or both divisions:

a) classical/neoclassical choreography.

b) modern choreography/character dance

2. WBGP Norway is open to dance students of all nationalities age 8-21 years old. In group choreographies younger children are also accepted in the age category for pre junior. For classical pas de deux students from 13 year olds.

3. Categories are based on dancers age as of 1st of June 2025.

4. It is available for dance students to participate in WBGP form all over the world to be eligible for the finals which will be announced later.

5. Professional dancers are not permitted to compete. A professional dancer is defined as anyone who is employed as a full-time dancer (Apprentices included) with a professional dance company. This includes dancers who are not currently employed under such a contract, but have been in the past.

6. Students can participate in masterclasses only, without competing, from 30th of June - 2nd of July 2025.


  1. Both online and live participants must register through the webpage and upload their youtube video (with a recording from studio or stage), both for live and online participation, and music (only for live participation), no later than 1st of June 2025. Copy of the passport or any other documents verifying date of birth of the contestants are needed for registrating as a soloist or in pas de deux.
  2. The youtube video of the performance put in the registration will be used in the competition for online participation. In case of pandemics or other circumstances the youtube video for live competitors will be used and switched to online competition.
  3. After completing the registration, including the payment, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address registered. The registration fee is nonrefundable. 
  4. Participants may enter as a soloist (in classical ballet and in modern/neo classical choreography) and/or in pas de deux with one or two choreographies. Group participants can, but do not need to register as soloists or in pas de deux. Group participants may enter in one or more choreographies in ballet/neoclassical and/or modern dance/character dance. 
  5. All participants are obliged to attend in all masterclasses and preparations for the final Gala. 
  6. There is limited space, and it will be on a first come, first served basis. If the number of applications is large, we reserves the right not to accept more applications.
  7. Students can participate in masterclasses only, without competing, see registration form for masterclasses.


  1. Competitors who participate live must prepare his/her own-recorded music files for the competition in mp3 for the competition. 
  2. Each music track for live competitors must be separated. The music tracks for pas de deux, the entre/adagio, variations and coda, must be separated.
  3. All competitors must sent a youtube link (one link for each choreography) with recording of their performance for the competition in the registration form. This recording must be filmed at any time from November 2024. 
  4.  Live competitors must upload the music file(s) into the registration form, one music track per choreography.
  5. The participant is responsible for the sound quality of his/her own music file. WBGP Norway is not responsible for the quality of music.
  6. Each title of the music file must contain the name of the participant, the title of the choreography, title of the music and with ON or OFF describing if the dancer starts ON or OFF stage.
  7. A competitor should bring additional music file in backup during competition.


Solo and group participation:

Entry fee live participation:

-      250 euro pr participant for the first entry, including masterclasses and preparations for final galla. The one and first entry can be classical variation, a modern solo, or a neo classical solo, or a pas de deux, or a group entry (classical or modern).

-      Pluss 30 euro pr participant for registrations of a second, third, fourth etc choreography, either a solo, pas de deux or group choreography.

Entry fee online:

-      50 euro pr choreography/pr contestant for participants fee with one entry with a classical variation, a modern solo or neo classical solo, or a pas de deux, or a group entry (classical or modern).

-      Pluss 20 euro pr contestant/pr choreography for entering a second, third, fourth etc registration for a solo, pas de deux or in groups.

Entry fee Masterclasses for students not competing:

-      50 euro pr student 30st of June - 2nd of July.

Solo/pas de deux participation


Pre-Junior (A)


Only Solo

Pre-Junior (B)


Only Solo

Junior (A)


Solo or Pas de Deux

Junior (B)


Solo or Pas de Deux

Senior (A)


Solo or Pas de Deux

Senior (B)


Solo or Pas de Deux

  1. Participants can register with a classical solo (one variation free of choice from the classical repertoire with the possibility for a second variation in the finals), or a modern solo (only one choreography).
  2. Participants can register for pas de deux (entre/adagio, variations and coda) from the age of 13 in the division Junior A and B, Senior A and B. Pre-Junior A, B, can not participate in classical pas de deux.
  3. All participants will be judged individually regardless of solo or pas de deux.
  4. Non-competing partner is allowed to dance for competing partner in pas de deux.
  5. For live participation: It is obligatory that participants attend in all master classes, preparations for the final Gala. This way we are all together from the start to the end.
  6. Participants in classical solo/pas de deux can choose any variation from the classical ballet repertoire. However, the chosen variations should be appropriate from the viewpoint of the age and technique level of participants. Each soloist participate with one solo, optional with a second variation for the finalists in Junior A and B, Senior A and B.

Group participation

  1. Group participation is divided into three age categories, age 8-12, age 13-16, age 17-21, with two divisions: 1: ballet/neoclassical choreography and/or 2: modern choreography/character dance. The age category is defined by the main part/60% of the contestants in the group. 40% can be older or younger. In the category Pre junior younger participants than the age of 8 are accepted.
  2. Group participation can be with two or more dancers per group. 
  3. Soloists/pas de deux participants can also register for group participation.
  4. Group participants can register in one or several choreographies in the same division or both divisions.
  5. Group participants are obliged to participate in masterclasses with preparations for the final Gala together with the soloists and participants in pas de deux.


Competitors must wear their own costumes and make-up, suitable for the choreography, both for semi finals and finals. 


8-10 Year olds (Pre-junior A): Soft ballet shoes required for competition for these divisions. Pointe shoes are not permitted.

11-12 Year olds (Pre-junior B): Option to wear soft ballet shoes or pointe shoes for this age division

From age 13 – (Junior A, B, Senior A and B): Pointe shoes required for competition for soloists/pas de deux participation in these age divisions for all female participants.


Candidate can choose to wear foot thongs, half soles, barefoot, ballet shoes, pointe shoes or character shoes.

Time limit

A competitor who surpasses the required time limit will receive a scoring penalty or disqualification from the competition, depending upon the decision of the judging panel.

• Ballet solos: Time limit must not exceed of 3:00 minutes

• Modern solos or neo classical solos: Time limit must not exceed of 3:00 minutes

• Pas de deux: Entre/adagio variations and coda

Group choreographies: Time limit per choreography: 5 min: 2-9 dancers. 10 min: from 10 dancers. 15 min: more than 20 dancers.

Live participation

All participants will have their master classes, rehearsals, competition, final Gala live 30th of June - 2nd of 2025.

Online participation with video recording

Participants have to send video on youtube links (one link for each choreography) with video recording of the performance for the competition. The recording has to be filmed at any time during from 1st of November 2024.

The recording can be filmed in any space indoor or outdoor on a performance, in a studio or other events/venues, with or without costumes, provided that the footage has clean view and clear sound.

The body of the dancers must be clearly and fully visible throughout the filming all the time with no special effects allowed in the footage.

The video must be one recording shot and not multiple recordings edited together.

Studio, school, company’s logos are allowed in dancers’ videos.

World Ballet Grand Prix Norway Grenseveien 32A, 0571 Oslo

Account number: 6072 05 28641

IBAN number: NO65 6072 0528 641



Nordea Bank Abp, filial in Norway, Address: Essendrops gate 7, 0368 Oslo, Norway.