Rules & Regulations


Schedule participants. The schedule can be changed.

Day 1: Masterclass, stage rehearsals for soloists and group participants, semi final, preparations for gala with all participants

Day 2: Masterclass, coaching of soloists and group participants, preparations for gala with all participants

Day 3: Masterclass, final, gala peformance and award ceremony. 

Masterclass are organized with different age groups. The age groups for classes can be changed. 

– Pre-junior, age 8-12

– Junior, age 13-16

– Senior, age 17-21

Awards & prizes

For the Grand Prix Winners, a round trip ticket to a location for WBGP Final will be organised. 

We celebrate the winners with Grand Prix, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Jury encouragement awards.

Scholarships from the Jury members.


Divisions are divided based on the age as of 1st June 2025. Proof of age is required with a copy of the passport or child ´ s birth certificate.

The order of appearance on competition date will be determined by WBGP Norway. Competitors must accept and follow the order. Under no circumstances will this order change.

Competitors must wear their own costumes and make-up suitable for the choreography.

Guidelines for publishing photos and films of children in Norway

As regards publication of photos and films of the participants, on websites, in social media and in other publications, it is important to respect children and young people's integrity and right to privacy.

Some may have special reasons for not wanting to be photographed.

In some cases, photo sharing can have unfortunate consequences.

It is good practice to always ask permission before taking the picture or video.

The main rule is that consent must always be obtained from everyone who can be directly or indirectly identified in the images or film before they are published.

If those depicted are under the age of 15, consent must be obtained from both the child him-/herself and the guardian.

Unwanted publication can lead to liability for damages and criminal liability according to the Copyright Act.


1. Before a picture or film is published, consent must be obtained from everyone in the picture, and from their guardian if the children are under 15 years of age.

2. When obtaining consent to publish images and films, a consent form should be used. Only active consent can provide a basis for publishing images and films.

3. If a child does not want pictures or films to be published, they must override their parents' wish for publication.

4. Be aware of the situations in which photos or films are taken.

Care must be taken when taking photographs of scantily clad children.

Ballet dress or costume is not defined as lightly dressed. Moderation must be shown with the use of full names.

5. If a consent is withdrawn, pictures and films that have been published must be deleted.

You can read more about pictures of children online at

On dub voices. no, you can read more about children and young people's privacy and how to proceed if photos should end up astray:

Approval for the use av photos and videos in media is set out in the registration form.


The WBGP Norway has all copyrights of photography and videos taken during the WBGP Norway including. The WBGP Norway also has the copyrights of video and photography of the contemporary works. The WBGP Norway also reserves the exclusive right to sign contracts with third parties for merchandising of the abovementioned material.

Media and recordings

WBGP Norway owns exclusive rights to the competition and related activities, including press interviews, all audio and video recordings during the competition, master classes, rehearsals, backstage, lobby, live broadcasting, reporting, photographs, production and distribution of presswork and audio-visual products created during the competition, opening ceremony and galas. Participants and their parents and/or legal guardians give their express permission for WBGP Norway to make any photo/video recordings at any time. By participating in WBGP Norway, participants and their parents or legal guardians give WBGP Norway their permission to use any such photo/video recordings including those containing their name for promotional purposes (including any uses in print, video, online, or in social media).

1. Without the written approval of WBGP Norway, none of the above shall be conducted by any person.

2. WBGP Norway and any third party authorized by WBGP Norway are entitled to arrange for competitors

to attend activities like photo sessions, interviews, broadcasting, audio and video recordings.

3. Competitors release to WBGP Norway and any third party authorised by WBGP Norway the following

rights during the competition and activities described in (2) as above:

A. Live broadcasting and public transmitting

B. Audio and video recording

C. Reproduction and distribution of audio-visual products

D. Transmitting through internet

E. WBGP Norway warrants that no competitors’ images will be distorted or misused.

4. Competitors and their parents/guardians consent to WBGP Norway and any third party authorized by

WBGP Norway in using their name, portrait, photos, voices and resumes in the following conditions and on

the following products:

A. During introduction, presentation and promotion of the competition and related activities.

B. During production, recording, publishing, promotion and distribution of presswork and audiovisual

products of the competition and related activities.

5. All the above rights mentioned in (3) and (4), which competitors and their parents/guardians release to

WBGP Norway free of any charge, are permanent and cannot be changed or limited by location and time.

6. In the case that competitors use music, choreography, and stage design copyrighted by any third, or

provide photos and resumes to WBGP Norway which belong to any third party, competitors must obtain a

thorough and complete written authorization from the royalty owner, and provide it to WBGP Norway.

Competitors warrant that such authorization will not only grant them the right to use these works during

their competition, but also ensure no rights granted to WBGP Norway or any third party authorized by

WBGP Norway in (3) and (4) are in violations of rights against the royalty owner. Otherwise, competitors

must compensate WBGP Norway for any damage caused by compromising their warrants.

7. During the competition, competitors must not accept any interview about the competition by any news

agency, organization or individual not authorized by WBGP Norway, or release to any third party any

information about the competition not publicly announced by WBGP Norway. WBGP Norway reserves the

right to disqualify competitors who violate this rule.

Insurance and security

WBGP Norway does not take responsibility for any previous injuries, chronic health conditions or stolen properties. Competitors must purchase their own insurances for accidents, disease and personal property.

Non-competitors are not allowed to enter the stage and wings area for safety reasons.

No one is allowed to take photos or make video recordings during the competition unless authorized by WBGP Norway.


All competitors must agree and follow all contents of this regulation when they sign up for WORLD BALLET GRAND PRIX Norway.

Resolution to any arguments should be based on this regulation, WBGP Norway holds the right of final interpretation of this regulation.

Publicity and participation

Accepted competitors must ensure that they have the choreography and music rights to perform the contemporary pieces. Performers featured in any events will be selected by the Jury panel. 


There are no refunds for entry fees.

Email us at: [email protected] for more information.

Consent and rights

Competitors and their partners shall declare on the registration form that they consent to disclosing their relevant personal details to the Competition Organiser (GDPR).

Competitors shall declare on the registration form that they have the right to perform the competition choreographies.

Other rules concerning the competitors

If a competitor who is also the partner of another competitor is eliminated in the course of the Competition, the eliminated competitor shall agree to continue to perform as a partner in further through the finals, and at the final Gala and Award Ceremony.

Competitors and their partners shall themselves be responsible for their costumes and makeup for their performances. 

Competitors and their partners shall themselves be responsible for their insurance coverage.

The registration fee shall not be refunded under any circumstances.

Competitors who require a visa in order to enter Norway shall themselves be responsible for obtaining such a visa.

Accomodation and travel

Accomodation and food is not included in the registration fee for the competition.

Travel and expenses to and from Norway and to and from the airport/hotel, are the responsibility of the competitor. 

World Ballet Grand Prix Norway Grenseveien 32A, 0571 Oslo

Account number: 6072 05 28641

IBAN number: NO65 6072 0528 641



Nordea Bank Abp, filial in Norway, Address: Essendrops gate 7, 0368 Oslo, Norway.